Finley and Tyler are getting married this October, so what a better way to celebrate them than to capture their engaged bliss in the fields of Tanglewood Park?! Despite the heat and bugs that are an unfortunate inevitability in June in the south, we had such a blast together and I loved getting to know this sweet couple! They’re such a cute pair and I can’t wait for their October wedding at the Barn at Reynolda Village!
These two met online and little did they know that they had just met the one they’d spend forever with. When I asked about their proposal, Finley told me the story of how Tyler planned a surprise trip for the both of them to go to San Fransisco! They went on a hike to Yosemite and it was there that Tyler got down on one knee asked Finely to spend the rest of her days with him! How amazing is that?! Their intimate wedding in October will be here before we know it and I can’t wait to capture the moment these two become husband and wife!!